SV Days


Happy Birthday SV Days

I'm so really happy, because this blog SV Days, is celebrating its Birthday Number One. Exactly a year ago, I was writing my first post, about the beginning of this blog.

The first paraphrase is the following:

This is a blog that I created to talk about my country El Salvador. This is an apolitic blog, because I don’t like to talk about my politic country situation, and I want to show the world the beauty of our country, and of our people

And I had the mention of Tim, in three times, one announcing the beginning of this blog, another time in Gloval Voices Online, and the third one, saying the Reactivation of this blog again, thanks Tim for these mentions.

I hope to keep posting in this blog, I repeat, with your flickrs uploads contributions, or an email, you can contribute as a great way to keep beautiful this blog.

Thank you for your reading, and see you next post.