SV Days


Grilled Tiger, Aguila the Champion of Salvadorian Soccer...

El Salvador put their attention to the Salvadorian Soccer Final of the Coca Cola's Cup of 2006.

Now the rivals, they had met since so much time, the Salvadorian Classic of Soccer, between Aguila from San Miguel and FAS from Santa Ana, a very very good match and rivality.

In this time, the San Miguel's people ate in dinner "Grilled Tiger" because they defeated FAS with a score of 4-2, and this was the day for the Migueleans, and not for the Santa Ana's People.

Anyway, this is the soccer, impredictable.

Bye, see you next post, and Congratulations for Aguila, they deserve this championship.


  • Hola david, gracias por la mención del Aguila, super campeón del fútbol nacional.
    Fue muy emocionante el partido y ganó el mejor equipo, no hay otro.

    By Blogger Rocío, at 2:07 p. m.  

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